Box Office Hours
The box office opens two hours prior to each performance. Not all organizations who present events in the JBK Theater use our box office as a ticket outlet. Additional phone numbers for ticket information are listed under each event.
Ticket Return (FCC sponsored programs only)
If you are unable to use tickets for a performance, you may return them five (5) working days prior to show date. All programs are subject to change due to conditions beyond the control of the management. Please contact the theater, 9:00am-3:00pm, to confirm programs prior to your arrival. 301.846.2513.
Attending the Theater
The theater doors open one half hour before curtain time, or when we receive permission from the performing company. For the audience's protection we cannot allow guests in the theater early.
Seating Capacity
Because of fire regulations the capacity of the theater is limited to
the number of seats (409). Parents may not hold children in their laps without providing a separate, purchased seat.
Wheelchairs and Special Accommodations
Wheelchair seating is available,. please call prior to the performance date 301.846.2513.
Frederick Community College makes every effort to accommodate individuals with disabilities for College-sponsored events and programs. If you have accommodation needs or questions, please call 301-846-2408. To request a sign language interpreter, please visit
https://www.frederick.edu/student-resources/disability-access-services.aspx#SIGNLANGUAGE. If you have interpreting related questions, please email
[email protected]. Sign language interpreters will not be automatically provided for College-sponsored events without a request for services. To guarantee accommodations, requests must be made at least five workdays in advance of a scheduled event.
The JBK Theater Series is made possible in part through support from the FCC Communications, Humanities and Arts Department, College Activities, the department of Administration and grants from the Frederick Arts Council, the Maryland State Arts Council and generous community sponsors.
The Jack B. Kussmaul Theater is available to individuals and groups for rental.
For more information and pricing, visit
Use of Facilities Request Form